PAPRI (Poverty Alleviation through Participatory Rural Initiatives)
Basic Literacy Project (64 districts)
The constitution of ‘Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh’ has assured to offer equal opportunities for all by eradicating the illiteracy and committed to establish the EFA (EducationFor All).Beside these, the ruling government is bearing the political manifesto to eradicate the illiteracy from the society within a certain period. According to the survey of BCS-2017, about 27% peoples are illiterate in Bangladesh those having age in-between 15 to 45. Due to this illiteracy, a large number of people cannot participate actively on the ongoing development activities adopted by the government. Under the above circumstances, Bangladesh government has taken the project named ‘Basic Literacy Project (64 district)adopted through ECNEC(Executive Committee of the National Economic Council) on 11 February 2014 in order to develop human resource by eradicating illiteracy from the society.
PHONE: 01711533610
ADDRESS: Village & Post: Narayanpur, Upazila: Belabo, District- Narsingdi, Bangladesh.