PAPRI (Poverty Alleviation through Participatory Rural Initiatives)
Training changes knowledge, level of skills and attitude of human beings on specific subject. It builds up capacity of participants. Training also helps implement any activities more efficiently and effectively. PAPRI has developed a training cell to organize and conduct internal training programs for its staffs and beneficiaries. It also sells training for personnel from other organizations/individuals.
PAPRI's training cell at a glance:
01.Training coordinator: 01
Full time engage in training related work
02.Trainers: 16
(Human and technical skill development trainer, they also develop module, schedule, curriculum of required training)
03.Training Venues: 03
1. PAPRI Narayanpur training Centre (residential)
2. PAPRI Amlabo training centre (Residential)
3. Narsingdi training centre (Non residential) - Situated at heart of District town
4. Computer training centre
5. Multimedia projector
6. Digital camera
7. Documentation facilities
8. Well designed library
9. Internet facilities
10. Reading room
All other necessary materials and facilities are available in the training venues.
PHONE: 01711533610
ADDRESS: Village & Post: Narayanpur, Upazila: Belabo, District- Narsingdi, Bangladesh.