Previous Program/Project and Donors
- Child Education Program (CEP), Adult Functional Education Program (AFEP), Integrated Disadvantages People Enhancement Project (IDPEP)
Funded by - SHAPLA NEER (Citizen Committee in Japan for Overseas Support), Japan [1999-2007]
- Water and Sanitation (WATSAN)
Funded by - NGO Forum [2004-2007]
- Sanitation, Hygiene Education and Water Supply in Bangladesh (SHEWA-B),
Funded by - DFID; GoB-UNICEF [2007-2011]
- Rural Employment Opportunities for Public Assets (REOPA),
Funded by - EU;GoB-UNDP [2008 -2013]
- Empowerment of the Poor, Ultra Poor & Poor Handicapped in Narsingdi district through Micro-Credit Support
Funded by - Embassy of Japan [2008-2012]
- Addressing the Causes and Effects of Acid Attack (ACEA),
Funded by - ASF, UNICEF & MJF [2009-2012]
- Development of Handicapped Persons through Building capacity and providing supports project ( DHBP)
Funded by - SHAPLA NEER (Citizen Committee in Japan for Overseas Support) [2012-2015]
- Enhance Children Education of Poor Families (ECEPF) at char area of Narsingdi
Funded by - SHAPLA NEER (Citizen Committee in Japan for Overseas Support), Japan [2012-2015]
- APARAJITA (Women Political Empowerment Project)
Funded by - Steps towards Development & Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) [2012-2017]
- Improving education and health of deaf blind people in Bangladesh,
Funded by - Center for disability in development (CDD), Sense international (UK) & Sense international (India) [2013 -2017]
- Acid Survivors Support Network for prevention and better inclusion (SNPBI)
Funded by - ASF, UNICEF & MJF [2012-2017]
- Promoting Rights of People with Disabilities through Disability inclusive local governance and service providing institutions (PRPD-DI)
Funded by - CDD & MJF [2013-2017]
- Acid Survivors Support Network for prevention and better inclusion (SNPBI)
Funded by - ASF, UNICEF & MJF [2012-2017]