PAPRI (Poverty Alleviation through Participatory Rural Initiatives)
Geographical Area
PAPRI has commitment to work any where of Bangladesh. It gives priority geographically char area (isolated land, scattered and separated from main land and surrounded by rivers), Haor area and coastal belt and revering area. On the basis of poverty – PAPRI gives priority which is in under poverty line. It also gives the priority geographical area where live special community likes sweeper, fishermen, weaver and so on. PAPRI always choices to select working area where people are less served and vulnerable.
It is depended upon people’s need and availability of financial and technical support.
At present it is working following geographical area;
1. Districts Coverage:
2. Upazila Coverage:
Monohordi, Belabo, Shibpur, Raipura, Narsingdi Sadar, Polash & Ishwargonj Upazila
3. Pawrosova Coverage:
PHONE: 01711533610
ADDRESS: Village & Post: Narayanpur, Upazila: Belabo, District- Narsingdi, Bangladesh.